Tuesday, 13 January 2009

What is the deal on anti-bac?

OK, I would like someone to give me the answer to this, please.

I grew up without anti-bacterial soap, kitchen cleaner and dish washing liquid. I did not have a pile of infections. In fact I may not have had any to speak of, leaving aside the time we camped together with a massive group of folks in a muddy field, and one toilet, and you do not want anymore details than that!! I have just completed in the last six months the food hygiene course and it is anti-bacterial all the way, and yep it kills those nasty germs but not all of them. (So beware!!)

Do we need antibacterial everything or is it about good hand washing with some soap? Basic good hygiene practises? Will good ol' soap and water do it?

1 comment:

Beth said...

I *feel* like soap and water should do the trick. I mean, unless we're dealing with some sort of super-bug a good wash should do the trick, right?
It seems like an overuse of anti-bacterial products would lead to diminished immune systems. I like to think of my house as fertile ground for cultivating really strong immune systems. ;)