I truly have so much to be thankful for and I am truly sorry for the times I fret or downright stress over things that in the bigger scheme of things do not matter.
Here are a few things I am thankful for.
My faith
........ and each of these things could have a hundred or more bullet points.
The more grateful I am the more I remember that so many are in need of help, support and prayer. There is so much I can be doing to be a blessing to others.
Happy Thanksgiving folks. Whether you are sitting down to a large and lovely meal (And this Scottish girl is getting the hang of this and is remembering to blend the pumpkin before it goes in the pie) or whether it is just a normal day, take a moment to be thankful for something. In fact take the whole day and be thankful for as much as you can!
Meal Plan • 6/20/16
8 years ago
add to the list of things thankful for:
turkey wrapped in bacon
pear gravy
rye & bacon stuffing
...just to name a few.
yeah... sorry we were not able to eat it all together but thankful we all got to enjoy it!
Sooooo good!
add to the list of things thankful for
the shortbread and clootie dumpling I'm making for my brother.
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