Sunday, 11 January 2009

Maladjustment and soap.

We have lived in our house now for four years. I so dislike my narrow rectangular kitchen and dream for a large square one. We arranged the microwave and stuff the day we moved in and have lived with it like that ever since I guess just thinking that we had made the best decision for the kitchen, based on the space on the counter tops we had. On Friday I was walking through the kitchen and it suddenly hit me......if I moved that there and that there and then that to over there we could double our usable working space. This may sound sad but I have been excited about our kitchen over the last few days. It is so improved.

It got me thinking that often we just live with things because we have got so used to looking at them, responding to them, in the same way. We miss out on challenge and improvement and settle for the OK in our own lives. We accept things that are not in actual fact unacceptable in our communities and our world at large just because we have looked and listened for so long we have stopped hearing and seeing the truth. I renew my commitment to maladjustment.

I am happy to share my shortbread recipe with anyone who wants it. I am also away to work on a shower gel recipe. Take one bar of pure olive oil soap, (smells interesting!?!), grate, add boiling water and essential oil of your choice. (Dearly hope this bit works!!) Will let you know how it goes, or those who live in closer proximity to me, may well be letting me know!!


Beth said...

1. I would be delirious to have your shortbread recipe.
2. Please post photos of kitchen asap, or at least tell me where you put the microwave.
3. Try my blog again. I think I fixed it.
4. I miss your tablecloth.

I blame Doris Day said...

I would rather have the shortbread than the shower gel