Thursday, 26 February 2009

Sobering thoughts

Last night as I met with friends from church, friends I get together with regularly, I learned that the average life expectancy in Malawi is 39. This hit me hard. Tonight in Malawi there will be a mother, ages with me, with a little girl and a little boy just like me who knows she is in her final hours and is powerless to do anything about it. She is probably not dying of some complicated disease but something that is totally avoidable and totally treatable.

As we enter into this season of Lent, Mike and I have committed ourselves to making some small changes, to do without a few things and let me be totally honest these are things I like, that make my life extra pleasant not anything I trully need. We want to create some time and some focus into considering the whole issue of faith. What are we basing our lives on? How do we center our lives around the truth of all God is. It is not enough to just live at a getting by level. I do not believe that God has called us to just get by.

And as I consider, reflect and pray I commit myself again to maladjustment. I owe it to those whose lives are every bit as meaningful as mine, but whose time to live is predicted at half of mine. I have to be committed to seeking justice.

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