Thursday, 26 March 2009

Should it be this hard?

When we started this season of Lent we decided to give up a few things, to bring a bit of focus into what was important. We agreed that we would do it quietly, not making a discussion out of it with folks. Well that side of it has not worked very well so I feel free enough to blog my learning and my challenges, effectively with the entire world, but in reality with a few folk who check in on occasions.
Mike and I decided to cut out all dessert, all chocolate, all biscuits (cookies) and also not to watch any TV. These are not essential items. These are things that large percentages of the population have never had the opportunity to enjoy but can I confess to being actually quite upset about how hard I have found this. I do not enjoy being out and watching others tuck into chocolate biscuits and cake but that is OK. The times I have really struggled has been when I am at home and tired or a little stressed and all I want to do it seems, is put on some tat TV and munch my way through a bar of chocolate. Something in me needs rewiring.
I listened in horror the other day to Mike suggesting that maybe we should keep this up in some measure. What?!! I had been living for the 12th April and the Easter Bunny egg hunt before church! Maybe, he thought, it would be good to get rid of the TV altogether or at least can the satellite package and perhaps introduce a dessert ration. The look on my face was noted and before I could utter a word it was suggested to me that if we were really into maladjustment then maybe it was something we should be considering. Ouch! A low blow I thought intially but a skillful one as this has not been far from my mind since..................................... and maybe, just maybe, there is something in it.

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