Sunday, 9 November 2008

Change the World for a Fiver

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Mahatma Ghandi says "We must be the change we want to see in this world."
This is a quote I have read at least three times in different places this week and it is a good one. It is the basis of the book after which I have named this post.

So here goes on a few ideas.
Read a book with a child- easy in this house and I am happy to loan two book loving children to anyone who would like to do this.
Fit at least one energy saving bulb- we fitted three last week and the kids are fascinated by how dull they start and then brighten.
Smile and smile back- actually can I confess that sometimes I am that smiley person and other times I deliberately walk down the street, particularly in town, with my head down. What If I see someone that I was at school with and might smile and then end up having to strike up a conversation?
Plant your very own Christmas tree- how cool is that but at this point I am uncertain whether Sarah loaned me the book or gave it to me. She may notice the missing seed packet!
Have a bath with someone you love- like it. It is kind of small tho and kind of close to the little girls room!!
Get fitter feel better- actually Energize which I have signed up to (OK, organised!!) means three hours a week and I am beginning to really feel the benefit.
Walk more- amen!
Recycle mobile phones- need to, there are a few lying around here.
Give your change to charity- I tend not to notice the collecting cans at checkouts in stores but get this "After all, 1p per person per week adds up to 30 million quid per year". Good eh? It does say to that if the golden retriever outside the store does not have a coin slot in its head then do not try putting your coins in it. Sensible advice, I feel.

Hey, there are so many more things. A good book, simple changes, achievable by us all and put together by people who have a sense of humour. I may be purchasing a few of these as Christmas presents!!

1 comment:

Beth said...

Gordon Bennett-- I almost lost it at the bath comment.
LOVE the link. Will use it on my new project. You are inspiring.
Thanks for admitting you organized the fitness program. Admission is the first step to recovery.