Friday, 7 November 2008

Small Steps

Having recently been diagnosed with an overactive needtoachieve gland I have had to stop reading Seven Ways to Change the World, which is the book that sparked the call to maladjustment. The concepts are too big, the ideas for change too many, for my current condition. However I have been given Change the World for a Fiver (Thanks Sarah!) which seems to be so right for just now. I'll get back to you on what my small changes will be.

On Wednesday I went shopping to my local Aldi store, cheap definitely and the staff are so cheery and helpful every time I have been in. I made the decision that I should tell someone. No e-mail contact available so I thought "What the heck" and dialed head office. The following conversation took place.

"Hello. Aldi's"

"Em yes. I'm just phoning to tell you that I shop in your Dunfermline, Halbeath Store and your staff are always very helpful and friendly and I thought maybe it would be good to pass that on."

Silence. "Oh. Oh well em I'll just put you through to our regional manager and you can pass on your condolences to her."

I have to confess I laughed and she flustered a little and I was put on hold.

"hello. Aldi's"

"Hello. I'm just phoning to tell you that I shop in........................"

Silence. " Well that is good to hear. To be honest with you we never really get calls like this so I will be very happy to pass your comments on and will make a point of calling the store today."

We live in a world so quick to complain. I am going to try each week to congratulate someone somewhere who may normally be passed by or only ever hear the complaints.

My little brother won a car in a charity raffle this week. We have all been highly entertained. As a couple they are two of the most generous people I know. There is a principle on the bible that says give and it shall be given to you pressed down flowing over....... . I cant think of two people who more deserve to win a car!


Doug said...

Can I have my book back then? Loved the aldi story!

Mo said...

yep you can have you book and be seriously motivated to get on with it if I can get my birthday present!